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Publications by R. C. Cohen
Steps Towards a Mechanistic Model of Global Soil Nitric Oxide Emissions: Implementation and Space Based-Constraints
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Characterization of Wildfire NOx Emissions Using MODIS Fire Radiative Power and OMI Tropospheric NO2 Columns
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Effects of Model Resolution on the Interpretation of Satellite NO2 Observations
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Insights Into Hydroxyl Measurements and Atmospheric Oxidation in a California Forest
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Trans-Pacific Transport of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone to Canada During Spring
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Trends in OMI NO2 Observations Over the United States: Effects of Emission Control Technology and the Economic Recession
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Measurements of CH3O2NO2 in the Upper Troposphere
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
A Relaxed Eddy Accumulation System for Measuring Vertical Fluxes of Nitrous Acid
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Chemistry of Hydrogen Oxide Radicals (HOx) in the Arctic Troposphere in Spring
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
Organic Nitrate and Secondary Organic Aerosol Yield From NO3 Oxidation of Β-Pinene Evaluated Using a Gas-Phase Kinetics/Aerosol Partitioning Model
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science