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Publications by R. L. Tilney
The Port Alfred Fishery: A Description and Preliminary Evaluation of a Commercial Linefishery on the South African East Coast
South African Journal of Marine Science
The Role of the Tsitsikamma National Park in the Management of Four Shore-Angling Fish Along the South-Eastern Cape Coast of South Africa
South African Journal of Marine Science
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Evaluation of Adequacy Fishery Port Infrastructure (Case Study on Fishery Port Mimbo Situbondo)
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The Artisanal Elasmobranch Fishery on the East Coast of Baja California, Mexico: Characteristics and Management Considerations
Ciencias Marinas
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The Design of a Kerosene Turbopump for a South African Commercial Launch Vehicle
Choice and Constraint in a Swahili Community: Property, Hierarchy and Cognatic Descent on the East African Coast.
Diversity of Reef Fishes in Trap Fishery at Keelakarai, Gulf of Mannar, South-East Coast of India
Indian Journal of Fisheries
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A Late Holocene Sea-Level Curve for the East Coast of South Africa
South African Journal of Science
Planetary Sciences
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A New Species of Taylorius (Bryozoa: Escharinidae) From the East Coast of South Africa
African Natural History
Numerical Simulation of a Mesoscale Convective System Over the East Coast of South Africa
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
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A Reflection on the Partnership Between Government and South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association
African Evaluation Journal
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