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Publications by R. Raabe
Elastic Scattering and Reaction Mechanisms of the Halo NucleusBe11around the Coulomb Barrier
Physical Review Letters
Isoscalar Response ofNi68toα-particle and Deuteron Probes
Physical Review C
Direct Measurement of Fission Barrier Height of Unstable Heavy Nuclei at ISOL Facilities
HNPS Proceedings
Large Enhancement of the Sub-Barrier Fusion Probability for a Halo Nucleus
Physical Review Letters
Important Pickup Coupling Effect on He8(p,p) Elastic Scattering
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Experimental Evidence for Subshell Closure inHe8and Indication of a Resonant State inHe7below 1 MeV
Physical Review C
Transfer and Breakup of Light Weakly-Bound Nuclei