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Publications by R.P. Thakur
Development of Screening Methods and Identification of Stable Resistance to Anthracnose in Sorghum
Field Crops Research
Soil Science
Crop Science
Tolyposporium Penicillariae, the Causal Agent of Pearl Millet Smut
Transactions of the British Mycological Society
Related publications
Screening of Sorghum Genotypes fFor Resistance to Loose Smut in Nigeri
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
A Greenhouse Screening Technique to Assess Rust Resistance in Sorghum∗
International Journal of Pest Management
Insect Science
Crop Science
Field Evaluation of Anthracnose Resistance for Sorghum Germplasm From the Sikasso Region of Mali
Open Agriculture Journal
Animal Science
Soil Science
Crop Science
Flavonoid Phytoalexin-Dependent Resistance to Anthracnose Leaf Blight Requires a Functional Yellow Seed1 in Sorghum Bicolor
Identification of New QTL Conferring Resistance to Anthracnose (Ascochyta Rabiei) in a Ril Population of Chickpea
Turkish Journal of Field Crops
Crop Science
Development of Anthracnose on Grain Sorghum Hybrids Inoculated With Recently Described Pathotypes ofColletotrichum sublineolumFound in Arkansas
Plant Disease
Plant Science
Crop Science
Ergot Resistance in Sorghum in Relation to Flowering, Inoculation Technique and Disease Development
Plant Pathology
Plant Science
Crop Science
Sorghum Anthracnose and Sustainable Management Strategies in West and Central Africa
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Development of a Method to Evaluate Grapevine Anthracnose Resistance by Spraying Cuttings and Seedlings With Conidial Suspension
Horticultural Research (Japan)