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Publications by Reetu Verma
Comparison of Propofol and Ketofol (Combination of Ketamine and Propofol) for Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Validation of Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Deformity Correction
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Correction To: Internal Migration, Urbanization, and Poverty in Asia: Dynamics and Interrelationships
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Ketofol: A Combination of Ketamine and Propofol
Journal of Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access
Ketamine and Propofol Combination (“Ketofol”) for Endotracheal Intubations in Critically Ill Patients: A Case Series
American Journal of Case Reports
Comparison of Propofol Alone and in Combination With Ketamine or Fentanyl for Sedation in Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
Pain Medicine
Effect of Ketamine, Thiopental and Ketamine–Thiopental Combination During Electroconvulsive Therapy for Depression
Turkish Journal of Anesthesia and Reanimation
Circulatory Responses to Propofol-Ketamine Combination Compared to Propofol Alone for Sedation During Spinal Anesthesia
Internet Journal of Medical Update
Comparison of Propofol and Thiopentone Along With Ketamine for Paediatric MRI Sedation
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Comparison of Propofol-Ketamine Versuspropofol-Remifentanil in Children Anaesthetized for Gastroscopy
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Comparison Between the Effects of Propofol and Etomidate on Motor and Electroencephalogram Seizure Duration During Electroconvulsive Therapy
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A0024 Effect of Combination of Ketamine and Propofol (Ketofol) on Cerebral Oxygenation Using SjVO2 as Parameter in Neurosurgical Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Control Trial