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Publications by Reiji TAKAHASHI
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry of Uric Acid at Glassy Carbon Electrodes After Pre-Electrolysis inSolution Containing Copper(II).
Analytical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Two Cases of Canine Insulinoma.
The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science
Pathology of Non-Effusive Type Feline Infectious Peritonitis and Experimental Transmission
The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science
Canine and Feline Lymphoid and Myeloid Tumors Encountered in Tokyo.
The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science
Polarographic Reduction-Waves of Vitamin A, .Β-Carotene and Vitamin D
Review of Polarography
An Equine Case of Granular Cell Tumor With Chondroplasia.
The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science