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Publications by Remco Duits
Numerical Schemes for Linear and Non-Linear Enhancement of DW-MRI
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Related publications
High-Order Linear and Non-Linear Residual Distribution Schemes for Turbulent Compressible Flows
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science Applications
Computational Mechanics
Homogeneous Difference Schemes for Non-Linear Parabolic Equations
USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Numerical Approximation for a Non-Linear Membrane Problem
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Mechanics of Materials
Applied Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering
Unsteady Corrector Method for Accuracy Analysis of Linear Numerical Schemes for Transport Equation
Keldysh Institute Preprints
Linear Combination of Forecasts With Numerical Adjustment via MINIMAX Non-Linear Programming
Revista Gestão da Produção Operações e Sistemas
Comparison of Proposed and Existing Fourth Order Schemes for Solving Non-Linear Equations
Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
Reducing the Number of Non-Linear Multiplications in Masking Schemes
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Software for Numerical Linear Algebra
Matrix Algebra
Locally Linear Hashing for Extracting Non-Linear Manifolds