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Publications by Remo Ruffini
The Most Wanted Man in China: My Journey From Scientist to Enemy of the StateThe Most Wanted Man in China: My Journey From Scientist to Enemy of the State, Fang Lizhi (Translated by Perry Link), Henry Holt and Co, 2016. $32.00 (352 Pp.). ISBN 978-1-62779-499-2 Buy at Amazon
Physics Today
Dirac-Kähler Theory and Massless Fields
Hypercritical Accretion, Induced Gravitational Collapse and Binary Driven Hypernovae
The Logoisk Impact Crater
Binary-Driven HyperNovae and Their Nested Late X-Ray Emission
Nutational Effects in SS 433
International Astronomical Union Colloquium
Joint Constraints on the Lepton Asymmetry of the Universe and Neutrino Mass From the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
Physical Review D
New Perspectives in Physics and Astrophysics From the Theoretical Understanding of Gamma-Ray Bursts
AIP Conference Proceedings