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Publications by Richard C. Daniel
Small-Scale Spray Releases: Initial Aerosol Test Results
Hydrogen Gas Retention and Release From WTP Vessels: Summary of Preliminary Studies
Hanford Waste Physical and Rheological Properties: Data and Gaps
EFRT M-12 Issue Resolution: Comparison of Filter Performance at PEP and CUF Scale
Characterization and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 3) and REDOX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 4) Actual Waste Sample Composites
Characterization, Leaching, and Filtration Testing for Bismuth Phosphate Sludge (Group 1) and Bismuth Phosphate Saltcake (Group 2) Actual Waste Sample Composites
Characterization of Filtration Scale-Up Performance