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Publications by Roberto Cipolla
Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Sufficient Spanning Sets and Its Applications
International Journal of Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Semi-Supervised Video Segmentation Using Tree Structured Graphical Models
Concrete Problems for Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Advantages of Bayesian Deep Learning
Structure and Motion Estimation From Apparent Contours Under Circular Motion
Image and Vision Computing
Computer Vision
Signal Processing
Pattern Recognition
Electronic Engineering
Generalised Epipolar Constraints
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Identifying Human Face Profiles With Semi-Local Integral Invariants
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Colour Invariants for Machine Face Recognition
Image Mosaicing via Quadric Surface Estimation With Priors for Tunnel Inspection
The Joint Manifold Model for Semi-Supervised Multi-Valued Regression
Uncalibrated Stereo Hand-Eye Coordination