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Publications by Rosalina Gabriel
Resolving the Azorean Knot: A Response to Carine & Schaefer (2010)
Journal of Biogeography
Standardised Inventories of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia II: The Native Forests and Dry Habitats of Madeira Archipelago (Madeira and Porto Santo Islands)
Biodiversity Data Journal
Comparison of Bacterial Diversity in Azorean and Hawai'ian Lava Cave Microbial Mats
Geomicrobiology Journal
Planetary Sciences
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Science
Volcanic Caves: Priorities for Conserving the Azorean Endemic Troglobiont Species
International Journal of Speleology
Earth-Surface Processes
Figure 1d From: Malumbres-Olarte J, Boieiro M, Cardoso P, Carvalho R, Crespo LCF, Gabriel R, Macías Hernández N, Paulo OS, Pereira F, Rego C, Ros-Prieto A, Silva I, Vieira A, Rigal F, Borges PAV (2020) Standardised Inventories of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia II: The Native Forests and Dry Habitats of Madeira Archipelago (Madeira and Porto Santo Islands). Biodiversity Data Journal 8: E47502.
Figure 6 From: Malumbres-Olarte J, Cardoso P, Crespo L, Gabriel R, Pereira F, Carvalho R, Rego C, Nunes R, Ferreira M, Amorim I, Rigal F, Borges P (2019) Standardised Inventories of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia I: The Native Forests of the Azores (Pico and Terceira Islands). Biodiversity Data Journal 7: E32625.
Supplementary Material 1 From: Borges P, Gabriel R, Pimentel C, Brito M, Serrano A, Crespo L, Assing V, Stüben P, Fattorini S, Soares A, Mendonça E, Nogueira E (2018) Biota From the Coastal Wetlands of Praia Da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal): Part 1 - Arthropods. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: E27194.
Figure 1e From: Malumbres-Olarte J, Boieiro M, Cardoso P, Carvalho R, Crespo LCF, Gabriel R, Macías Hernández N, Paulo OS, Pereira F, Rego C, Ros-Prieto A, Silva I, Vieira A, Rigal F, Borges PAV (2020) Standardised Inventories of Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Macaronesia II: The Native Forests and Dry Habitats of Madeira Archipelago (Madeira and Porto Santo Islands). Biodiversity Data Journal 8: E47502.