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Publications by Ruben Mukhamadeev
Figure 4 From: Mukhamadeev R, Parafilo L, Baranaev Y, Suvorov a (2018) Analysis of a Severe Beyond Design Basis Accident for the EGP-6 Reactor of the Bilibino NPP. Radioactive Source Term Determination. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 135-142.
Figure 7 From: Mukhamadeev R, Parafilo L, Baranaev Y, Suvorov a (2018) Analysis of a Severe Beyond Design Basis Accident for the EGP-6 Reactor of the Bilibino NPP. Radioactive Source Term Determination. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 135-142.
Figure 3 From: Mukhamadeev R, Parafilo L, Baranaev Y, Suvorov a (2018) Analysis of a Severe Beyond Design Basis Accident for the EGP-6 Reactor of the Bilibino NPP. Radioactive Source Term Determination. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 135-142.
Related publications
Figure 6 From: Pavliuk A, Kotlyarevskiy S, Bespala E, Bespala Y (2018) Potential of Application of IRT-T Research Reactor as the Solution of the Problem of Graphite Radwaste Disposal. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 127-133.
Figure 2 From: Smolentsev D, Sarkisov A, Antipov S (2018) Safe Development of Nuclear Power Technologies in the Arctic: Prospects and Approaches. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(4): 235-241.
Figure 1 From: Beznosov A, Bokova T, Bokov P (2018) Components of Small and Medium Sized HLMC Reactor Plant Circuits. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 87-92.
Figure 2 From: Pavliuk A, Kotlyarevskiy S, Bespala E, Bespala Y (2018) Potential of Application of IRT-T Research Reactor as the Solution of the Problem of Graphite Radwaste Disposal. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 127-133.
Estimation of the Radioactive Source Term From Rde Accident Postulation
Figure 1 From: Andrianov A, Korovin Y, Kuptsov I, Konobeyev A, Andrianova O (2018) Comparison of Spallation Reaction Models Based on Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(4): 229-234.
Figure 1 From: Pavliuk A, Kotlyarevskiy S, Bespala E, Bespala Y (2018) Potential of Application of IRT-T Research Reactor as the Solution of the Problem of Graphite Radwaste Disposal. Nuclear Energy and Technology 4(2): 127-133.