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Publications by S. Auvinen
Long Term Resistivity Behavior of SOFC Interconnect/Ni-Mesh/Anode Interfaces
ECS Transactions
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The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting
J056053 Control of an Array of Ni and YSZ in an Anode of SOFC
The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
Development of Novel Anode Material for Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC)
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Materials Science
the Environment
Renewable Energy
Nickel-Free SOFC Anode for Ethanol Electrocatalysis
ECS Transactions
SOFC Long Term Operation in Pure Methane by Gradual Internal Reforming
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Resistivity of Cu-Ni/Cu/Cu-Ni Multilayer Materials
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
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Materials Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Development of Planar Metal Supported SOFC With Novel Cermet Anode