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Publications by S. Dias
Bone Marrow-Derived CD11b+Jagged2+ Cells Promote Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition and Metastasization in Colorectal Cancer
Cancer Research
Cancer Research
Absolute or Relative Effects? Arm-Based Synthesis of Trial Data
Research Synthesis Methods
Pcv90 - Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Strategies for Elective Total Hip Replacement Surgery: Systematic Review, Network Meta-Analysis and Cost –Utility Analysis to Inform Nice Clinical Guideline Recommendation
Value in Health
Health Policy
Public Health
Occupational Health
Interaction Between DSO and TSO to Increase DG Penetration - The Portuguese Example
Endothelial Progenitor Cells Are Cellular Hubs Essential for Neoangiogenesis of Certain Aggressive Adenocarcinomas and Metastatic Transition but Not Adenomas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Identification of Yeasts Isolated From Wine-Related Environments and Capable of Producing 4-Ethylphenol
Food Microbiology
Food Science