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Publications by Sakae MATSUOKA
The Effect of Time of Harvest on the Protein Degradability of Conserved Forages in the Rumen
Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho
Nutritive Value of Grass Silage at Different Stages of Aerobic Deterioration
Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho
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Using High Quality Forages to Improve in Vitro Rumen Degradability and Fermentation of Low Quality Forages
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Protein Degradability of Silages in the Rumen Estimated by NIRS
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Effect of Rumen Degradability of Protein and Fat on the Growth and Development of Dairy Calves
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Mechanical Maceration Divergently Shifts Protein Degradability in Condensed-Tannin vs. -Quinone Containing Conserved Forages
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The Effects of the Balance Between Rumen Degradability of Crude Protein and Organic Matter and Meal Frequency on Rumen Fermentation
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The Effects of the Balance Between Rumen Degradability of Crude Protein and Organic Matter and Meal Frequency on Rumen Fermentation
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Effect of Urea Treatment on the Chemical Composition and Rumen Degradability of Groundnut Hull
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Investigation Using Zero Time to to Compute Protein Rumen Degradability (DT)
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The Estimation of Protein Degradability in the Rumen From Incubation Measurements Weighted According to Rate of Passage
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