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Publications by Sami Khorbotly
Teachless Teach-Repeat: Toward Vision-Based Programming of Industrial Robots
A Project-Based Learning Approach to Teaching Computer Vision at the Undergraduate Level
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Natural Language Programming of Industrial Robots
Dynamic Compensation Based on High-Speed Vision and Its Application to Industrial Robots
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan
The System Design of Vision-Based Intelligent Robots
Vision-Based Docking for Biomimetic Wheeled Robots
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Monte Carlo Localization for Teach-And-Repeat Feature-Based Navigation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Vision Based Systems for Localization in Service Robots
Vision Based Bin Picking for Industrial Robot
Genetic Programming Based Automatic Gait Generation for Quadruped Robots
End Position Detection of Industrial Robots Based on Laser Tracker
Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie