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Publications by Sandie H. Waters
Scoping and Sequencing Educational Resources and Speech Acts: A Unified Design Framework for Learning Objects and Educational Discourse
Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning
Related publications
Towards a Social Learning Space for Open Educational Resources
Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development
A Unified Theoretical Framework for Cognitive Sequencing
Frontiers in Psychology
Cognition and Transdisciplinary Design: An Educational Framework for Undergraduate Engineering Design Curriculum Development
Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)
Revisiting Educational Design Research: From an Idealistic to a Viable Research Framework for Educational Researchers
Journal of Educational Technology
Digital Educational Resources of the University: Design, Analysis and Expertise
Vestnik of Minin University
Educational Speech
Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology
The RISE Framework: Using Learning Analytics to Automatically Identify Open Educational Resources for Continuous Improvement
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Design and Evaluation Framework for Relevant Chemistry-Related Educational Card and Board Games
Educational Modelling Language and Learning Design: New Opportunities for Instructional Reusability and Personalised Learning
International Journal of Learning Technology