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Publications by Santosh Kumar
Optimized Energy Efficient Trust Aware System in Wireless Sensor Networks
Journal of Wireless Communications
Study of Aetiology, Clinical Profile and Endoscopic Findings of Patients With Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding- A Study From Rural Base Multispecialty Teaching Hospital
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare
Forgotten Kirschner Wire Causing Severe Hematuria
Case Reports in Urology
Record Review of Feedback of Participants on Attitude, Ethics and Communication Module (AETCOM) Proposed by Medical Council of India (MCI)
Education in Medicine Journal
A Time Dependent Model for Image Denoising
Journal of Signal and Information Processing
Solitary Cysticercosis of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: A Rare Entity
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
An Integrated Approach to Comprehend MYMIV-Susceptibility of Blackgram Cv. T9 Possessing Allele of ≪i>CYR1</I>, the Cognate R-Gene
American Journal of Plant Sciences
Observation on Neonatal Apnea in Relation to Aetiopathogensis and Their Outcome
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
Success of Combined Sics and Trabeculectomy by Sutureless Technique vs. ‘W’ Shaped Incision Technique
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Survey on Personalized Web Recommender System
International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business