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Publications by Satoshi Yoshinaga
Deep Rooting Conferred by DEEPER ROOTING 1 Enhances Rice Yield in Paddy Fields
Scientific Reports
Cytoarchitecture of Mouse and Human Subventricular Zone in Developing Cerebral Neocortex
Experimental Brain Research
Object Detection Based on Combining Multiple Background Modelings
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Statistical Local Difference Pattern for Background Modeling
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Maintenance of Blind Background Model for Robust Object Detection
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Promotion of Seedling Elongation in Indica-Dominant Semi-Dwarf Rice Cultivar Hokuriku193 Under Low Temperature Conditions
Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Crop Science
Food Science