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Publications by Sayed Ghorab
Shear Bond Strength of Ceramic Orthodontic Brackets to CAD/CAM Provisional Materials: Influence of Surface Treatments and a Novel Adhesive System
Egyptian Dental Journal
Color, Translucency and Masking Ability of a Recently Developed Bulk-Fill Resin Composite
Egyptian Dental Journal
Influence of Hesperidin Application on Bonding of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer-Based Restorative Material to Dentin Treated With Oxygen Induced Endodontic Irrigants
Egyptian Dental Journal
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HF Etching of CAD/CAM Materials: Influence of HF Concentration and Etching Time on Shear Bond Strength
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Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Bonded With a Universal Adhesive Using Different Etching Methods
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Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength and Adhesive Remnant Index of Ceramic Brackets Using One-Step Self-Adhesive Composite Resin
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Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength of Ceramic Orthodontic Brackets to Glazed Monolithic Zirconia Using Different Bonding Protocols
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Debonding Force and Shear Bond Strength of an Array of CAD/CAM-based Customized Orthodontic Brackets, Placed by Indirect Bonding- An in Vitro Study
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Influence of Light Source, Thermocycling and Silane on the Shear Bond Strength of Metallic Brackets to Ceramic
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