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Publications by Shin'ya KUWAHARA
An Experimental Consideration on the Propagation Mechanism for Underwater Auditory Sensation.
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan
On the Underwater Masking Pattern of Pure Tones.
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan
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Consideration on Fatigue Crack Propagation Parameter.
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Mechanics of Materials
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Condensed Matter Physics
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Experimental Consideration on Oscillating Mechanism of Rectangular Jet in Jet-Edge System.
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Measuring pH Variability Using an Experimental Sensor on an Underwater Glider
Re-Modeling the Deafened Cochlea for Auditory-Sensation: Advances and Obstacles
Volta Review
Cultural Studies
Educational Psychology
Rumor-Propagation Model With Consideration of Refutation Mechanism in Homogeneous Social Networks
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
An Experimental Consideration on the Psychological Effects Produced by Landscape Lighting
The Japanese journal of ergonomics
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Auditory Distortion on Vowel Recognition
The Japanese journal of ergonomics
The Consideration of the Mechanism in an Electrodeposited Film Formation. II.
Journal of the Japan Society of Colour Material
Investigation of the Psychological Factors Determining the Magnitude of Auditory Sensation
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology
Social Psychology
Applied Psychology