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Publications by Sidong Xian
A Linear Method Based on Retrieval to Estimate Missing Fuzzy-Number in a Fuzzy Set and Its Application
Journal of Mathematics and Informatics
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An Image Enhancement Method Based on Improved Fuzzy Set
Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia
Fuzzy Number Expands to a Power Series of Triangular Fuzzy Number
Advances in Applied Mathematics
The Hybrid Intelligent Method Based on Fuzzy Inference System and Its Application to Fault Diagnosis
The Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number Linear Programming
Journal of Innovative Technology and Education
Component Importance Measure Computation Method Based Fuzzy Integral With Its Application
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Fuzzy Stochastic Linear Fractional Programming Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Programming
Fuzzy Information and Engineering
Systems Engineering
Applied Mathematics
Manufacturing Engineering
Management Science
Information Systems
Operations Research
Artificial Intelligence
Theoretical Computer Science
Level $N-$Fuzzy Bounded Set and $\Alpha -$Completeness in Fuzzy $N-$% Normed Linear Space
Journal of Mathematics Research
Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to Structural Engineering
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems