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Publications by Silvia Janisch
Thalassiosiraspecies (Bacillariophyceae, Thalassiosirales) in the North Sea at Helgoland (German Bight) and Sylt (North Frisian Wadden Sea) – A First Approach to Assessing Diversity
European Journal of Phycology
Plant Science
Aquatic Science
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The Macrofauna of a Stony Sand Area in the German Bight (North Sea)
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen
Planning at Sea: Shifting Planning Practices at the German North Sea Coast
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Intertidal Regions Changing Coastal Alkalinity: The Wadden Sea‐North Sea Tidally Coupled Bioreactor
Limnology and Oceanography
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Amphidinium Glabrum Sp. Nov. (Dinophyceae) From the North German Wadden Sea and European Arctic Sea Ice: Morphology, Distribution and Ecology
European Journal of Phycology
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Aquatic Science
Astaxanthin in the Calanoid Copepod Calanus Helgolandicus: Dynamics of Esterification and Vertical Distribution in the German Bight, North Sea
Marine Ecology - Progress Series
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Microscopic Species Make the Diversity: A Checklist of Marine Flora and Fauna Around the Island of Sylt in the North Sea
Helgoland Marine Research
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Monitoring Juvenile Stocks of Flatfish in the Wadden Sea and the Coastal Areas of the Southeastern North Sea
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen
Determining Sea Level Change in the German Bight
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Parasites of the Flounder Platichthys Flesus (L.) From the German Bight, North Sea, and Their Potential Use in Ecosystem Monitoring
Helgoland Marine Research
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