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Publications by Silvia MAGUREAN
Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Performance – The Mediating Role of Students’ Achievement Goals
Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
Social Psychology
Political Science
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Self-Efficacy, Academic Motivation, Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement
Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling
Parenting Style and Academic Achievement in Middle School Students: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy
Advances in Psychology
Academic Emotions in Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Achievement: A Program of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
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Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement in Australian High School Students: The Mediating Effects of Academic Aspirations and Delinquency
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Correlation Between a Self-Regulated Learning to Student Workers Academic Achievement
The Role of Programming Experience in ICT Students’ Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
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Explanation of Students’ Academic Procrastination Behaviors With, Anxiety, Fear of Failure, Self-Esteem and Achievement Goals
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