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Publications by Simone Della Valentina
Results of the Workshop on Strategies and Tools for Administrators of the Territory of the Italian Alpine Space for the Shallow Geothermal Systems - GRETA Project - Near-Surface Geothermal Resources in the Territory of the Alpine Space
Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater
Related publications
Description of Internet Resources in the Khabarovsk Territory Information Space
Scholarly Notes of Komsomolsk-na-Amure State Technical University
Space Objects on the Territory of the “Toratau” Geopark
Geologicheskii vestnik
Optimization of Design and Control Strategies for Geothermal Space Heating Systems. Final Report
Some Aspects of Sacral Space Markering in the Ural Territory
Vestnik Archeologii, Antropologii i Etnografii
“Child’s Territory” in the Space of the Great Patriotic War (On the Materials of Stalingrad Battle)
Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriia 4: Istoriia, Regionovedenie, Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia
International Relations
Cultural Studies
Political Science
The Marysville, Montana, Geothermal Project: Specifications for Drilling the Deep Geothermal Research Well
Human Resources and Competitiveness of the Territory
Acta academica karviniensia
Proceedings and Findings of the Geothermal Commercialization Workshop
Geothermal Resources of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming