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Publications by Song Tea Kim
Fracture Mechanisms of SiC/SiC Composite by Means of Acoustic Emission Analysis
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Chemistry
Condensed Matter Physics
Related publications
Fracture Mechanisms in Unnotched and Notched SiC/SiC Composites Studied by Acoustic Emission Analysis
Materials Transactions, JIM
Microfracture Analysis of SiC Reinforced Glass Composites by Acoustic Emission
Materials Transactions, JIM
Fracture Energy of MgO-SiC Whisker Composite Ceramics.
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Effect of Pip Cycles on Fracture Behaviour in Unidirectional SiC Fibre-Reinforced SiC Matrix Composite
Advanced Composites Letters
Manufacturing Engineering
Deformation, Strengthening and Fracture Mechanisms of Nanoscale Al/SiC Multilayers
Statistical Analysis of Fracture Toughness of SiC Ceramics Determined by Vickers Indentation Method
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
Materials Science
Comparison of ZrB2-SiC, HfB2-SiC and HfB2-SiC-Y2O3 Oxidation Mechanisms in Air Using LIF of BO2(g)
Corrosion Science
Materials Science
Chemical Engineering
Sintering of Si3N4-SiC Whisker Composite
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
In Situ Reactive Fabrication of ZrC–SiC Coating on Cf/ZrC–SiC Composite
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies