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Publications by Stefanos Zafeiriou
3D Reconstruction of "In-The-Wild" Faces in Images and Videos
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Pattern Recognition
Applied Mathematics
Computer Vision
Computational Theory
Artificial Intelligence
Robust Statistical Frontalization of Human and Animal Faces
International Journal of Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Special Issue on Machine Vision
International Journal of Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
A Survey on Face Detection in the Wild: Past, Present and Future
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Signal Processing
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Editorial of Special Issue on Human Behaviour Analysis “In-The-Wild”
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
A Unified Framework for Probabilistic Component Analysis
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Incremental Slow Feature Analysis With Indefinite Kernel for Online Temporal Video Segmentation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
On One-Shot Similarity Kernels: Explicit Feature Maps and Properties
Back to the Future: A Fully Automatic Method for Robust Age Progression
Full-Angle Quaternions for Robustly Matching Vectors of 3D Rotations