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Publications by Stephan Roux
Experimental Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Fracture in RC Elements With Any Aspect Ratio
Engineering Structures
Structural Engineering
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Modeling of Dielectric Mixtures Containing Conducting Inclusions With Statistically Distributed Aspect Ratio
Progress In Electromagnetics Research
Experimental Investigation of a Transonic Compressor With High Aspect Ratio Rotor Design
Stabilization of High Aspect Ratio Mixed Finite Elements for Incompressible Flow
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Computational Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Rc Frames With Decoupled Masonry Infills
Mathematical Modeling for Validation of Experimental Work
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development
Experimental Technique for Characterizing Arbitrary Aspect Ratio Piezoelectric Resonators
Applied Physics Letters
Finite Element Analysis of Fibre Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings With Different Aspect Ratio
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development
Experimental and Mathematical Analysis of Hepatic Uptake
Scientia Pharmaceutica
Pharmaceutical Science