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Publications by Stephen C. Cheng
Cyanide Ion-Selective Electrode Measurements in the Presence of Copper
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Engineering
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Studies of the Anodic Oxidation of the Cyanide Ion in the Presence of the Copper Ion. III. Identification of the Reaction Intermediate by Means of ESR Spectroscopy
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Use of an Ion-Selective Electrode as a Detector in Ion Pair Chromatography
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Determination of Calcium in Foodstuffs by Ion Selective Electrode Method.
Bunseki Kagaku
Analytical Chemistry
The Preparation and Properties of the Manganese(II) Ion-Selective Electrode
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Thallium(I) Ion-Selective Electrode Based on Polythiamacrocycles.
Analytical Sciences
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New Inorganic Ion-Exchange Material for the Selective Removal of Fluoride From Potable Water Using Ion-Selective Electrode
American Journal of Environmental Sciences
Studies on the Reaction of .PI.-deficient Heterocycles With Aromatic Aldehyde in the Presence of Cyanide Ion.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Drug Discovery
Preparation of Macrometallocycle and Selective Sensor for Copper Ion
Scientific Reports
Immunoassay Using Ion Selective Electrode and Protein Pendant Liposomes.
Analytical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry