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Publications by Stephen Gibson
Dilemmas of Citizenship: Young People's Conceptions of Un/Employment Rights and Responsibilities
British Journal of Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Just Following Orders? The Rhetorical Invocation of ‘Obedience’ in Stanley Milgram's Post-Experiment Interviews.
European Journal of Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Knowledge, Autonomy and Maturity: Developmental and Educational Concerns as Rhetorical Resources in Adolescents' Discussions Regarding the Age of Electoral Majority in England
Journal of Youth Studies
Life-course Studies
Social Sciences
Political Science
Assessment and Management of Pain in Chronic Wounds: A National Survey of Australian Health Care Practitioners Caring for People With Chronic Wounds
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Sports Medicine
Autodetachment and Vibronic Coupled Photodetachment Transitions of C2h3o_
Photodetachment of O− Yielding O(1d2, 3p) Atoms, Viewed With Velocity Map Imaging
Intelligent Mining in Image Databases, With Applications to Satellite Imaging and to Web Search
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
Computational Mathematics
Computer Science
From Representations to Representing: On Social Representations and Discursive-Rhetorical Psychology