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Publications by Sudipta Sinha
Real-Time Terascale Implementation of Tele-Immersion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
Visual Hull Construction in the Presence of Partial Occlusion
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Real Time Trinocular Stereo for Tele-Immersion
An Open Real-Time Tele-Stethoscopy System
BioMedical Engineering Online
Nuclear Medicine
Ultrasound Technology
Biomedical Engineering
Hardware Implementation of a Real Time Image Compression
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering
Real Time Implementation of Automated Inspection in Current Transformer
International Journal of Engineering Research and
De-Risking the Implementation of Real-Time Thermal Ratings
Hard Real-Time Implementation of Embedded Software in JAVA
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
A GPU Implementation of a Real-Time MIMO Detector
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Positron Imager
Real Time Design and Implementation of MTD-SWVD Using FPGA
Journal of Engineering Science and Military Technologies