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Publications by Susi Ari Kristina
Driver’s Knowledge About the Use of Drug and Traffic Accident in Riau Indonesia
Global journal of health science
The Extemporaneous Compounding at Primary Health Care Centers: Characteristic and Personnel
Global journal of health science
Gambaran Pelaksanaan Swamedikasi Dan Pendapat Konsumen Apotek Mengenai Konseling Obat Tanpa Resep Di Wilayah Bantul
Desain Sistem Pelayanan Resep Rawat Jalan RSUD Blambangan Melalui Pendekatan User Centered
Majalah Farmaseutik
Estimating Premature Mortality Cost of Cancers Attributable to Obesity in Indonesia
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Pengaruh Home Pharmacy Care Terhadap Pengetahuan, Kepatuhan, Outcome Klinik Dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi
Majalah Farmaseutik
Opinion and Expectation of Pharmacists on Providing Extemporaneous Compounding in Jogjakarta and Central Java Provinces, Indonesia
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Science