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Publications by Susumu Fujimatsu
1015) the Effects of Gipsum on the Shrinkage and Crack Tendency of Mortar(Materials. Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
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1069 Shrinkage of Cellular Concrete (Materials and Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan Summaries of Technical Papers
105) the Fundamental Study of Visco-Elastic Behaviour of Mortar (II)(Materials・Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
1043) on the Mechanism of Adhesion and Crack Occurrence of the Masonry Joint Mortars(Materials, Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
1036) Observations on the Movement of Water in Mortar and Brick by Freezing and Thawing(Materials. Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
Effect of Aggregate Size on the Restrained Shrinkage of the Concrete and Mortar
MOJ Civil Engineering
1015) a Proposal; Let's Establish Criteria for Selection of Floor Finishes(Materials. Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
Effects of Combined Salt-Damage Resistant Agent on the Shrinkage, Chloride Penetration and Chemical Erosion of Mortar
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1009) Adhesion of Mortar or Concrete by Epoxy Resins(Materials, Execution)
Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan
Gipsum and Gipsum Materials in Ancient Structures of Kyrgyzstan and Industry Development of Production
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research (Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований)