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Publications by T. Tate
The Glacial Deposits of the Bradford Basin
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
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Géographie physique et Quaternaire
Study of the Glacial Flow of Rivers in the Grønfjord Bay Basin (Western Svalbard)
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Economic Aspects of Coal Deposits Exploration of the Ulug-Khem Basin (Tuva)
Human and society
Changes in Glacial Lakes in the Poiqu River Basin in the Central Himalayas
The Time of Glacial Loess Accumulation in Its Relation to the Climatic Implications of the Great Loess Deposits: Did They Chiefly Accumulate During Glacial Retreat?
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Landform Development During the Last Glacial and the Post-Glacial Ages in the Matsumoto Basin and Its Surrounding Mountains, Central Japan.
The Quaternary Research (Daiyonki-Kenkyu)
The Medical Officership of Health at Bradford