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Publications by TOSHIWO ANDOH
Topostin, a Novel Inhibitor of Mammalian DNA Topoisomerase I From Flexibacter Topostinus Sp. Nov. I. Taxonomy, and Fermentation of Producing Strain.
Journal of Antibiotics
Drug Discovery
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Mycoplanecins, Novel Antimycobacterial Antibiotics From Actinoplanes Awajinensis Subsp. Mycoplanecinus Subsp. Nov.. I. Taxonomy of Producing Organism and Fermentation.
Journal of Antibiotics
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Diospyrin, a Bisnaphthoquinone: A Novel Inhibitor of Type I DNA Topoisomerase ofLeishmania Donovani
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AB023, Novel Polyene Antibiotics. I. Taxonomy of the Producing Organism, Fermentation and Antifungal Activity.
Journal of Antibiotics
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New Glutarimide Antibiotics, S-632-B1, and B2. I. Taxonomy of Producing Strain, Fermentation and Biological Properties.
Journal of Antibiotics
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SB-219383, a Novel Tyrosyl tRNA Synthetase Inhibitor From a Micromonospora Sp. I. Fermentation, Isolation and Properties.
Journal of Antibiotics
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Flexibacter Canadensis Sp. Nov.
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
New Isochaetochromin, an Inhibitor of Triacylglycerol Synthesis in Mammalian Cells, Produced by Penicillium Sp. FKI-4942: I. Taxonomy, Fermentation, Isolation and Biological Properties
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SQ 26,180, a Novel Monobactam. I. Taxonomy, Fermentation and Biological Properties.
Journal of Antibiotics
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Naphthacemycins, Novel Circumventors of Β-Lactam Resistance in MRSA, Produced by Streptomyces Sp. KB-3346-5. I. The Taxonomy of the Producing Strain, and the Fermentation, Isolation and Antibacterial Activities
Journal of Antibiotics
Drug Discovery