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Publications by Tadaaki KOMATSU
Influences of Succharose, D-Glucose and Dextrin on the Hydration of Portan Cement and Its Clinker Minerals
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
The Accelerating Action of Calcium Thiosulfate on the Hydration of Portland Cement and Comparison With Other Inorganic Salts
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
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Dissolution of the Clinker Minerals in the Clinker Melt
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
Hydration and pH Behavior of the Cement Prepared From the Mixture of Haüyne-Containing Clinker, Anhydrite and Blastfurnace Slag
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Modification Effects of Colloidal nanoSiO2 on Cement Hydration and Its Gel Property
Composites Part B: Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
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Synthesis and Characterization of a Hybrid Cement Based on Fly Ash, Metakaolin and Portland Cement Clinker
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Condensed Matter Physics
Influence of Polysaccharides on Cement Hydration
Key Engineering Materials
Influence of Fluorine on Clinker Burnability and Mechanical Properties of CPA Moroccan Cement
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science
Influence of Fluorine on Clinker Burnability and Mechanical Properties of CPA Moroccan Cement
MATEC Web of Conferences
Materials Science
Glucose. Starch, and Dextrin Utilization in the Small Intestine of Steers
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports
Kinetic D/H Fractionation During Hydration and Dehydration of Silicate Glasses, Melts and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta