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Publications by Tapio Schneider
Consistent Changes in the Sea Ice Seasonal Cycle in Response to Global Warming
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Stationary Eddies and the Zonal Asymmetry of Net Precipitation and Ocean Freshwater Forcing
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
Changes in Zonal Surface Temperature Gradients and Walker Circulations in a Wide Range of Climates
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science
The Role of Stationary Eddies in Shaping Midlatitude Storm Tracks
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Baroclinic Eddies and the Extent of the Hadley Circulation: An Idealized GCM Study
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science
Feedback of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling on Shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone
Geophysical Research Letters
Planetary Sciences
The General Circulation of the Atmosphere
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Planetary Sciences
Planetary Science