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Publications by Tessa Barrett-Walker
Kia Kaua Te Reo E Rite Ki Te Moa, Ka Ngaro: Do Not Let the Language Suffer the Same Fate as the Moa
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Mode of Action (MOA) Classifications in the EnviroTox Database: Development and Implementation of a Consensus MOA Classification
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Environmental Chemistry
The Impact of Colonisation on Te Reo Māori: A Critical Review of the State Education System
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Preface: Special Issue of MOA 2018
Journal of Global Optimization
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The Spark Spectra of Tellurium-Te IV and Te VI
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character
Schizophrenia: Do Men and Women Suffer From the Same Disease?
Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica
Mental Health
Kia Whakatōmuri Te Haere Whakamua: ‘I Walk Backwards Into the Future With My Eyes Fixed on My Past’
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Rosália Sandoval, O Tempo Não Te Esquece E Nós Te Resgataremos
Revista Leitura