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Publications by Tetsu NAKAMURA
Attempts to Use a New Sea Surface Wind Estimation Model to the Study of the Design Offshore Wave
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering)
Visually Guided Behavior in “Blind” Sight in Man —Two Cases With Visual Field Defect and Optic Ataxia—
Higher Brain Function Research
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Estimation of Offshore Extreme Wind From Wind‐wave Coupled Modeling
Wind Energy
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Influence of Wind Wave Breakings on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Backscattering by the Sea Surface
Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal
Methods to Estimate Surface Roughness Length for Offshore Wind Energy
Advances in Meteorology
Atmospheric Science
Load Estimation of Offshore Wind Turbines
Electronic Engineering
Energy Engineering
Renewable Energy
Fuel Technology
Power Technology
the Environment
Extreme Offshore Wave Statistics in the North Sea
Quantifying the Hurricane Risk to Offshore Wind Turbines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Comparative Analysis on the Design Conditions for Offshore Wind Power Structures in the Coastal Sea of Korea
Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
Wave Models for Offshore Wind Turbines
Covariability of Surface Wind and Stress Responses to Sea Surface Temperature Fronts
Journal of Climate
Atmospheric Science