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Publications by Theuns G. Oberholzer
The Effect of Different Reinforcements on the Fracture Toughness of Materials for Interim Restorations
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Oral Surgery
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Fracture Toughness of Graphite Materials
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The Effect of Mechanical Alloying on the Microhardness and Fracture Toughness of BaTiO3
Acta Physica Polonica A
Effect of Different Wall Thicknesses on Fracture Strength, Marginal Accuracy and Translucency of Monolithic Ceramic Restorations
Al-Azhar Dental Journal for Girls
The Notch Effect on Fracture of Polyurethane Materials
Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Fracture Toughness of Cementitious Materials by SiGMA Procedure.
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu
The Fracture Toughness of Eggshell
Acta Biomaterialia
Molecular Biology
Biomedical Engineering
The Effect of Pre-Cracking Variables R and KFMAX on Fracture Toughness
Effect of Austenitizing Temperature on the Fracture Toughness of SCM440 and S45C Steels.
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Mechanics of Materials
Materials Science
Condensed Matter Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Effect of Microstructure on Fracture Toughness of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy.
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series A