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Publications by Thomas Gutsmann
Human Antibacterial Peptides Modify Lateral Structure in Lipid Monolayers Upon Interfacial Adsorption
Biophysical Journal
Synthetic Antimicrobial and LPS-neutralising Peptides Suppress Inflammatory and Immune Responses in Skin Cells and Promote Keratinocyte Migration
Scientific Reports
Bacterial Cell Wall Compounds as Promising Targets of Antimicrobial Agents I. Antimicrobial Peptides and Lipopolyamines
Current Drug Targets
Molecular Medicine
Drug Discovery
Clinical Biochemistry
Physical Interactions of Fish Protamine and Antisepsis Peptide Drugs With Bacterial Membranes Revealed by Combination of Specular X-Ray Reflectivity and Grazing-Incidence X-Ray Fluorescence
Physical Review E
Surfactant Protein a Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Immune Cell Activation by Preventing the Interaction of Lipopolysaccharide With Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
Respiratory Medicine
Clinical Biochemistry
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Sacrificial Bonds and Hidden Length: Unraveling Molecular Mesostructures in Tough Materials
Biophysical Journal
Evidence That Collagen Fibrils in Tendons Are Inhomogeneously Structured in a Tubelike Manner
Biophysical Journal