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Publications by Tim Munday
Fixed Wing vs. Helicopter Airborne EM for Mapping Fine Scale Conductivity Variations in Transported Sedimentary Cover Associated With Sedimentary Uranium Mineralisation
ASEG Extended Abstracts
1, 2.5 and/or 3D Inversion of Airborne EM Data - Options in the Search for Sediment-Hosted Base Metal Mineralisation in the McArthur Basin, Northern Territory.
ASEG Extended Abstracts
Integrating Ground Penetrating Radar and Ground-Based High Resolution EM to Improve Understanding of Floodplain Dynamics
ASEG Extended Abstracts
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Millennial-Scale Variations in Sedimentary Oxygenation in the Western Subtropical North Pacific and Its Links to North Atlantic Climate
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Global Uranium Resources in Sedimentary Basins and the Characteristics of Oil, Gas, Coal and Uranium Coexisting in One Basin
Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition
Interrelationship of Sedimentary and Volcanic Deposits Associated With Tertiary Extension in Sonora, Mexico
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
Advances in Helicopter Airborne Electromagnetics
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Journal of Sedimentary Geology
Simulation of Sedimentary Rock Deformation: Lab-Scale Model Calibration and Parameterization
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