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Publications by Todd B. Kashdan
Being Present in the Face of Existential Threat: The Role of Trait Mindfulness in Reducing Defensive Responses to Mortality Salience.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Social Psychology
Political Science
Affective and Self-Esteem Instability in the Daily Lives of People With Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder
Clinical Psychological Science
Clinical Psychology
A Daily Diary Study of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Romantic Partner Accommodation
Behavior Therapy
Clinical Psychology
Social Anxiety and Emotion Regulation in Daily Life: Spillover Effects on Positive and Negative Social Events
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Clinical Psychology
Social Anxiety and Disinhibition: An Analysis of Curiosity and Social Rank Appraisals, Approach–avoidance Conflicts, and Disruptive Risk-Taking Behavior
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Clinical Psychology
Mental Health
A Self-Administered Timeline Followback to Measure Variations in Underage Drinkers' Alcohol Intake and Binge Drinking
Addictive Behaviors
Clinical Psychology
Mental Health
Purpose in Life as a System That Creates and Sustains Health and Well-Being: An Integrative, Testable Theory.
Review of General Psychology
The Affective Style Questionnaire: Development and Psychometric Properties
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Clinical Psychology
Materialism and Diminished Well–Being: Experiential Avoidance as a Mediating Mechanism
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Social Psychology