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Publications by Tong Chunya
Study of Humanoid Robot Voice Q & a System Based on Cloud
Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal
Systems Engineering
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Behavior-Based Early Language Development on a Humanoid Robot
A Cost Oriented Humanoid Robot Motion Control System
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Dynamic Stability Analyses Based on ZMP of a Wheel-Based Humanoid Robot
Humanoid Robot Cooperative System by Machine Vision
International Journal of Online Engineering
Shuffle Turn of Humanoid Robot Simulation Based on Emg Measurement
Developing a Humanoid Robot Platform
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Humanoid Robot Field-Programmable Gate Array Hardware and Robot-Operating-System-Based Software Machine Co-Design
Sensors and Materials
Materials Science
Humanoid Robot Head Design Based on Uncanny Valley and FACS
Journal of Robotics
Systems Engineering
Computer Science
A Study of Manufacturing Effectiveness on Cloud-Based Manufacturing System
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)