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Publications by Torben Larsen
Pre- And Postnatal Nutrition in Sheep Affects -Cell Secretion and Hypothalamic Control
Journal of Endocrinology
Homo Neuroeconomicus
International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare
Surpassing the Theoretical 1-Norm Phase Transition in Compressive Sensing by Tuning the Smoothed L0 Algorithm
Frequency Notching Applicable to CMOS Implementation of WLAN Compatible IR-UWB Pulse Generators
The Leafy Vegetable Amaranth (Amaranthus Gangeticus) Is a Potent Inhibitor of Calcium Availability and Retention in Rice-Based Diets
British Journal of Nutrition
Stability of Dolos Slopes
Coastal Engineering Proceedings
Pancreatic Secretion of Zinc and Carboxypeptidase a and B in Growing Pigs
Reproduction Nutrition Development
Priming the Dairy Cow for Lactation: A Review of Dry Cow Feeding Strategies
Animal Research
A 1–5 GHz UWB Low Noise Amplifier in 0.18 µm CMOS