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Publications by U. Platt
Technical Note: Using a High Finesse Optical Resonator to Provide a Long Light Path for Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: CE-DOAS
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
The Spatial Distribution of the Reactive Iodine Species IO From Simultaneous Active and Passive DOAS Observations
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
Numerical Analysis of the Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms of Ozone Depletion and Halogen Release in the Polar Troposphere
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
The Effect of Horizontal Gradients and Spatial Measurement Resolution on the Retrieval of Global Vertical NO2 Distributions From SCIAMACHY Measurements in Limb Only Mode
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
Corrigendum to "Broadband Cavity Enhanced Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (CE-DOAS) &Ndash; Applicability and Corrections" Published in Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2, 713–723, 2009
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Atmospheric Science
BrO/SO2 Molar Ratios From Scanning DOAS Measurements in the NOVAC Network
Solid Earth
Soil Science
Earth-Surface Processes
SO2 and BrO Observation in the Plume of the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano 2010: CARIBIC and GOME-2 Retrievals
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
The Influence of Nitrogen Oxides on the Activation of Bromide and Chloride in Salt Aerosol
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Atmospheric Science
Planetary Science
Estimating the NOx Produced by Lightning From GOME and NLDN Data: A Case Study in the Gulf of Mexico
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science
High Spatial Resolution Measurements of NO2 Applying Topographic Target Light Scattering-Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (ToTaL-DOAS)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Atmospheric Science