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Publications by V. Krcmery
Non-Correlation Between CRP and Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria Among Rural Population in Southern Uganda (Original Research Paper)
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
Refugees After Long Distance Migrating and Camping: Secondary Wound Infection Etiology and Management (Original Research)
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
Quality of Life, Risk Factors and Mortality in Children With HIV/AIDS on 2nd Line Treatment, Slow Progressors and Late Presenters in Cambodian Orphanage
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
Prevention of Anemia in Pregnant Women After Periodic Deworming With Albendazol and Praziquantel (Review)
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
Investment to Joint Academia Programs in Developing Countries – One of Effective Social Investment to Prevent Social Pathology Related to Illegal Migration (Letter)
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention
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Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests at Registered Drug Shops in Uganda: Limitations of Diagnostic Testing in the Reality of Diagnosis
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Comparative Evaluation of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Microscopy
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Early Diagnosis of Malaria in Rural India to Prevent Deadly Complications
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Diagnosis of Malaria Among Blood Donors in Port Harcourt, Nigeria: Microscopy or Rapid Diagnostic Tests?
Advances in Microbiology
Buffer Substitution in Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests Causes False-Positive Results
Malaria Journal
Infectious Diseases
Use of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests Among Medical Doctors in a Tertiary Hospital, South East Nigeria
Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests in Tropical Climates: The Need for a Cool Chain
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Infectious Diseases
Recovery and Use of Plasmodium Dna From Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Infectious Diseases
An Assessment of False Positive Rates for Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests Caused by Non-Plasmodium Infectious Agents and Immunological Factors