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Publications by V. N. Bringi
Transformation of the CSU–CHILL Radar Facility to a Dual-Frequency, Dual-Polarization Doppler System
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Atmospheric Science
The Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Atmospheric Science
Multiparameter Radar Measurements in Colorado Convective Storms. Part II: Hail Detection Studies
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Science
A Methodology for Estimating the Parameters of a Gamma Raindrop Size Distribution Model From Polarimetric Radar Data: Application to a Squall-Line Event From the TRMM/Brazil Campaign
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Ocean Engineering
Atmospheric Science
Correction of Radar Reflectivity and Differential Reflectivity for Rain Attenuation at X Band. Part I: Theoretical and Empirical Basis
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Ocean Engineering
Atmospheric Science
Microwave Radiative Transfer Studies Using Combined Multiparameter Radar and Radiometer Measurements During COHMEX
Journal of Applied Meteorology
Rain-Rate Estimation in the Presence of Hail Using S-Band Specific Differential Phase and Other Radar Parameters
Journal of Applied Meteorology