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Publications by V.A. Kuzmin
Oil and Gas Material Deposits – Physico-Chemical Trap for Hydrocarbons at the Stages of Oil and Gas Generation
Actual Problems of Oil and Gas
The Behaviours of Direct-Flow Capillary Imbibition Processes in Orenburg Oil-Gas-Condensate Field Productive Carbonate Deposits
Actual Problems of Oil and Gas
Organization of Layered Core Models According With Pore Space Digital Analysis (In the Context of Vuktyl Ogcf)
Actual Problems of Oil and Gas
Determination of Matrix Oil Concentration in Mesozoic Sediments of East Pre-Caucasian Oil and Gas Bearing Region According to the Results of Lithologiс-Petrophysical and Geochemical Investigations
Actual Problems of Oil and Gas
Design and Experimental Study of Explosive Loading of a Thin-Wall Cylindrical Shell
Bulletin of Science and Technical Development
Digital Formalization of Microstructure Parameters of Carbonate Reservoirs According to Fourier Analysis
Actual Problems of Oil and Gas
Inclusive Jet Differential Cross Sections in Photoproduction at HERA
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
Dijet Angular Distributions in Direct and Resolved Photoproduction at HERA
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
High Energy Physics