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Publications by W. Beertsen
Participation of Intracellular Cysteine Proteinases, in Particular Cathepsin B, in Degradation of Collagen in Periosteal Tissue Explants
Matrix Biology
Molecular Biology
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Comparative Behaviour of Calpain and Cathepsin B Toward Peptidyl Acyloxymethyl Ketones, Sulphonium Methyl Ketones and Other Potential Inhibitors of Cysteine Proteinases
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Autoradiographic Study of Collagen Biosynthesis in Human Gingival Explants
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
Hormonal Regulation, Processing, and Secretion of Cysteine Proteinases in Barley Aleurone Layers
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Expression of Cysteine Proteinases and Cystatins in Parasites and Use of Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors in Parasitic Diseases. Part I: Helminths
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Distinct Roles for Cysteine Cathepsin Genes in Multistage Tumorigenesis
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